Smart News Ideas & Innovations


Fly Through a Gigantic 3D Model of the Universe


Mining Company to Start Digging up the Ocean Floor

Images of Paris the researchers used to tease out the city’s essence.

New Tech Identifies that Special ‘Je Ne Sais Quoi’ That Makes Paris Paris

Science provides an answer on what details in an urban street scene clue people in on what city it is from.

“The Energy-Water Collision”

41% of Water in the US is Used for Power Generation

The Union of Concerned Scientists describes how warming and drought can cause problems for power generation

Clear rosin represents the mother’s tissue, while the fetus is suspended in white.

Why 3-D Printed Fetuses Represent the Future of Medical Imaging

A 3-D printed fetus might seem strange, but it represents an opportunity to improve medical education and imaging.

This is Affetto, the creepiest robot baby in the world.

In Long History of Creepy Robot Babies, this One Takes the Cake

Humans love babies. Humans also love robots. Yet somehow, when you combine the two, it's terrifying.

A French postcard issued around 1900, predicting La France’s future

Could a Whale-Powered Bus Be the Future of Transportation?

Visionary postcard artists illustrated around 90 fanciful cards between 1899 to 1910 imagined what the future held in store for France in the year 2000

For Soldiers, Sperm Banking Could Be the New Flack Jacket

Soldiers arriving home with missing or mutilated genitals have drown attention to the lack of government support for in vitro fertilization

New Retrofit Can Turn Any Car into A Hybrid

Is This the World’s Tiniest Car?

This super tiny car, designed only for cities, could help fill the holes in public transportation at city edges

A clearly lit fridge is key for late night snacking. But what about the freezer?

Why Does the Refrigerator Have a Light and the Freezer Doesn’t?

One of life's great mysteries finally solved. Or at least pondered

Robot Apocalypse Inches Closer as Machines Learn To Install Solar Panels

Not contented with the prospects of a mechano-libertarian post-apocalyptic wasteland, scientists are working on robots that can harness energy

You could improve your aim, or you could improve your trash can.

Kinect Hack Lets You Sink Every Shot, Every Time

For those who can never hit the trash can with their little wads of paper, never fear, Kinect can help

The U.S.S. Nimitz

Navy’s Plan To Go Green Is Falling Apart

The US Navy had a bold plan to redesign its fleet to operate on renewable energy, a plan that may be falling apart

The left vehicle shows the twin Spirit and Opportunity rovers, the center machine is the Sojourner rover, and the car-sized Curiosity is on the right.

NASA (and XBox Gamers) Prepare for Terrifyingly Hard Mars Landing

3 Ways Emergency Preparedness Is Like Wedding Planning

Last week, the CDC released its Wedding Day Survival Plan, a document which reads like a natural disaster preparedness checklist

Clean Energy Can Come From Dirt

Forget wind, solar and even seaweed. Renewable energy is getting down and dirty...with dirt!


Thinking About Your Own Demise Inspires Environmentalism

Easter Island Drug Makes Mice Happier, Smarter


New Robot Eliminates Only Jobs Left – In the Service Sector

Carnegie Mellon University has developed a robot that can fill the gap of the absent salesperson

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