Smart News Ideas & Innovations

The lower on this gun was made with a 3D printer.

It’s All Fun and Games Until Someone 3D-Prints a Gun

The 3D printing gun idea has taken off, but Stratasys, the company who's printers are being used, isn't happy about it. They want their printers back


Isaac Newton’s Death Mask: Now Available in Digital 3D

Using a mask made upon the great physicist's death, scientists created a 3D scan of Newton's visage


If We Had Followed This Plan, We’d Be Living on Mars By Now

If you think Curiosity is exciting, imagine where we could have been if someone had put these guys in charge

A screenshot from the app.

New iPad App Lets You Noodle Around Einstein’s Noggin

iPad app sees Einstein's autopsied brain digitized

A Map of Every Passenger Plane in the Skies at This Instant

This site tracks thousands of passenger planes as they fly around the world

Don’t Trust Robots? The Pentagon Doesn’t Either

Not everyone at the Pentagon is ready to embrace the new robot army

The Brazilian wandering spider

Could Spider Venom Be the Next Viagra?

Researchers are studying the surprising side effects of the banana spider's bite

Just think of what you could do with all this space.

Microsoft Wants to Build You a Holodeck

Video game designers are pushing away from their old best friend, the television

I see you.

Future Parents Will Always, Always Know Where Their Kids Are

There may be 70 million people tracking their family members through GPS-enabled phones in 2016

Could Skyscrapers Be Made of Wood?

An excess of dead wood in Canada has designers thinking big

A fishing trawler off the coast of Turkey.

Lighted Escape Hatches Could Help Little Fish Flee Trawlers’ Nets

Rigid illuminated rings could help unwanted bycatch escape from fishing nets

Dianne Ashworth has her eyes, both bionic and natural, tested.

Blind Woman Sees the Light Thanks to Bionic Eye

A patient with no vision was recently outfitted with a bionic eye that restored some of her sight

After a hurricane, you may be experiencing a few conflicting emotions.

“After the Storm” Workbook Helps Kids Deal with Hurricane Stress

The "After the Storm" workbook that helps parents sort out their kids' feelings following a potentially traumatic hurricane

Maykah’s first toy, Roominate, comes with real circuits.

Female Engineers Design Toys for Girls That Aren’t Just Pink

Three engineers at Stanford are developing science toys for girls that will actually inspire young women to go into math and science

Check Out the Milwaukee Police’s Mind-Blowing, Crime-Busting Site

The Milwaukee Police are tackling crime with creativity and great web design

An electron scanning micrograph of the molecule-weighing device. When a molecule lands on the bridge-like portion at the center, it vibrates at a frequency that indicates its mass.

New Device Can Measure the Mass of a Single Molecule

Caltech scientists have created an ultra-sensitive device that can weigh an individual molecule for the first time

Electron Microscope Zooms In, Finds Life on Life on Life

There's a bacterium on a diatom on an amphipod on a frog on a bump on the log in the hole in the bottom of the sea!


Bill Gates’ Potty Mouth – His Eco-friendly Toilet Contest Hands Out $100,000 in Prizes

Cracking the Code of the Human Genome

Books of the Future May Be Written in DNA

Researchers have encoded a book, including pictures and an accompanying computer program, in DNA


Designing Bandaids that Stick When Wet Based on Gecko Feet

Scientists are unlocking the secrets behind tiny adhesive structures in gecko toes in the hopes of designing new technologies

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