Arctic Studies Center director Bill Fitzhugh says that studying northern cultures can help people adapt to climate change
The Giant Magellan Telescope, under construction in Chile, could help scientists answer big questions about the universe
The bold assessment acknowledges that the global climate is warming because of human activities
A diversity of coral guard-crabs is needed to fend off attacks by hungry snails and giant spiky sea stars
Researchers from 23 groups just released the fifth State of the Birds report, which contains good and bad news
Hips don’t lie: Whale pelvic bones are not vestigial but instead evolved to help the marine mammals maneuver better during sex
Road works today are “basically chaos”—but a new global road map could be key to protecting agriculture and nature
He’s the most important human skeleton ever found in North America—and here, for the first time, is his story
New research suggests that species don't have to be geographically separated in order to evolve
A year ago, researchers discovered a rare new species. That was just the beginning
A new study suggests it wasn't just the asteroid that killed the dinos, but that other factors weakened their ability to survive it
Features thought to be characteristic of early <em>Homo</em> lineages actually evolved before <em>Homo</em> arose. Rather, our flexible nature defines us
Forensic anthropologist Douglas Owsley digs into an 1835 vault and reveals the startling history of a famous Washington family
A pair of Smithsonian marine biologists argue that a warming Arctic puts the area at risk for inviting invasive species
The now extinct Caribbean monk seal shares an evolutionary connection with the endangered Hawaiian monk seal--one more reason to save the species
The shrinkage process was well underway before an asteroid brought doom to the dinosaurs 66 million years ago
In an east African case study, scientists found that taking large wildlife out of an ecosystem increases the number of disease-infested rodents
The 'Anzu wyliei' species looks like a cross between a chicken and a lizard
Scientists detect the signature of gravitational waves generated in the first moments of the Big Bang
Ancient blooms of toxic algae appear to have killed dozens of whales at once
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