This has been the worst winter for flight cancellations on record
Sea caves at Apostle Islands National Lakeshore are usually only accessible by boat
As with many things, the European who gets credit for inventing chocolate milk probably did not actually invent it
As mapped out by Google, the trip would take about 272 hours and 15 minutes
The E01 gives this island nation its first taste of the open road
Your next romantic getaway could be in a submarine or underwater hotels
A brief helicopter trip around Italy's Mario Zucchelli Research Station
Archaeologists discovered the remains of a 200-year-old school in northern New Zealand
Last week, the seawall holding up part of a key railway line went down
Street birds, not farm-raised squab, are rumored to be the meat of this tasty spread
Repairs will begin on Christ the Redeemer's fingers and head
The private spaceflight company is missing a crucial FAA permit
They offer a range of activities and services to "meet the needs of male customers," such as smoking, internet, drinking, snacks and "beautiful attendants"
Simply talking on a cellphone, however, did not increase the risk of an accident or near accident for drivers - so long as their eyes stayed on the road
The 1972 summer games held in Munich, Germany, suffered the worst terrorist attack in history
From India to Thailand to China, even non-Christians are getting into the holiday spirit
An entrepreneurial kid could potentially rack up on the gifts by traveling around the world, hitting three Christmas jackpots in one short month
While Olympic athletes may be our heroes, they aren't getting rich off their work, and some have to crowd-source funding for their trips to Sochi
In the 47 years that the town has erected Gävlebocken, it's been set on fire 26 times
Local artists were recruited to help determine the river's ultimate design, and developers say the project could be completed by 2015
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