

True Grits

Grits are getting dressed up and going to upscale restaurants, but those who love 'em most still like 'em best at home

A farmers' market in Lansing, Michigan

Farmers' Markets

Americans love them, and that means big business for small farmers—and a mouth-watering harvest for customers


Hot Dogs Are Us

It's no stretch to say they're more American than apple pie because they link us all together


In the Land of Milk and Money

Yes, we've got milk and plenty of it, from a venerable business that is high-tech, ultra-efficient and, for many, still offers a rewarding way of life

As American as Apple Pizza Pie

Americans eat 350 slices every second, and pizza's popularity is soaring from Sydney to Moscow. For purists, Naples is the only home of the genuine article

For Jacques Torres, the Highest Art Is a Piece of Cake

Sugar in all forms seduces our sweet tooth from the first taste, but in the hands of a premiere pastry chef it becomes magical

Across the Country, It's All Happening at the Coffeehouse

In small towns and cities too, we're seeking out neighborhood havens where one can savor an espresso and a sense of community


Without Garlic, Life Would Be Just Plain Tasteless

Sliced or chopped, sauteed or roasted, this bold little bulb has Americans clamoring for cloves to add sizzle to supper or to cure what ails us

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